Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Discover How To Look And Feel Your Best With Bioidentical HRT For Wellness

By Ma Lillibeth Coper Incipido

HRT, hormone replacement therapy is typically associated with women. Most consumers are unaware of the difference between bioidentical and synthetic hormones. This proves that some patient education is needed. Consumers would benefit from the knowledge that bioidentical HRT improves the wellness of men and women. Then they can make informed decisions about their health. Philadelphia customized wellness programs uses bioidentical HRT to improve the health of their patients.

Beginning with the onset of menstruation, women are subject to life events that disrupt hormonal balance. Women have to cope with this on a monthly basis during their child bearing years. When pregnancy occurs, it completely alters the hormonal balance. After the child bearing years, they begin to experience the symptoms of perimenopause and then menopause. This explains why women generally have a stronger interest in BHRT.

It is commonly accepted by traditional medicine that men also experience menopause. The term used for men is andropause. The testosterone levels decrease and men often complain of a decreased libido. Some men experience erectile dysfunction, mood swings and weight gain. The understanding that these symptoms are related to andropause, has peaked the interest of men in BHRT.

Hormonal imbalance also affects your overall health and wellness. Both men and women may suffer a loss of bone density and may develop osteoporosis. This is a very serious condition that tends to worsen as people age and is more prevalent in women.

With all the benefits of BHRT, it is a wonder that more people are not on the program. The most important organ in the body, the heart, will stay strong and healthy longer with BHRT. Patients show increased energy, more muscle mass and lower blood pressure. BHRT actually slows down aging, and therefore keeps the body healthy.

To say that bioidentical hormones are natural is a misstatement. Both the so called synthetic hormones and bioidentical hormones are synthetic. Bioidentical hormones are superior due to their molecular structure. They metabolize in the body just like the truly natural hormones produced by the human body. BHRT is very effective for wellness and a better quality of life as people age.

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