Friday, February 3, 2017

Where are you getting your floater treatment information

The internet is an amazing thing. As someone who went to school pre-”information superhighway”, we had to use outdated and inconvenient encyclopaedias. It is still amazing to me that I am able to carry the world’s repository of knowledge around in my pocket. With legitimate sources of information, there are also less reliable sources. This is particularly true in areas such as medicine and nutrition. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but some may be more qualified and credentialed to offer it. Young Child at laptop giving unqualified advice as to the treatment of vitreous eye floatersI have noticed this particularly in the area of eye floater treatment – my area of interest and experience. With discussion forums and websites trying to sell you “systems” or books or supplements, it is hard to know what is legitimate. Who exactly is behind the recommendation your are reading about on the discussion forums?

I came across some lame website and sister-co-promotion site selling a PDF book that is guaranteed to rid you of all your floaters. It never states what the system consists of – whether psychological distraction , or exercises, or what – but for $37 and an instant download later, you can find out. Here are some screen shots of what was made to appear as advice from contributing “experts”:

This is a header screen shot from the “How to get rid of stuff” website.

At least it is convenient. You can learn how to get rid of odors, household pest and computer viruses as well as your floaters without ever leaving the web site. Here is some of their “advice”:

“Dude, slow down your mind. You are overheatin’ your vitreous. Chillax. ” Oh, if I had a dollar for every time I said that… Here’s another:

Don’t scream and if you do, blink the floaters out of the way. More sage advice.

“Medication could help alleviate the symptoms of migraine if the condition worsens” What? There is no such thing as pain associated with simple floaters and certainly there is no connection with migraines. These “cut and paste” experts get it wrong more often than not. So here is the “Floaters Be Gone” product. Please let me know how it all works out. Eye Floaters No More pdf book for saleBy the way, if anyone has read the contents of this “book”, please let me know what it is all about. Don’t be embarrassed. They make their money by taking advantage of those frustrated with medicine’s general lack of interest and lack of offering for those suffering eye floaters.

View the original article here

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