Monday, February 20, 2017

How To Get Relief From Bulging Disc Pain In Singapore

By Julio Riess

A bulging disc occurs most often in the low back. It is a condition in which a portion of an intervertebral disc protrudes from between two vertebrae. The pain may range from mild to agonizing. The disc presses against a spinal nerve root and that pressure causes pain. The individual with the bulging disc may seek help from a leading Singapore Chiropractor

Each of these discs is composed of a tough outer shell and a soft gel-like inner body. The fibrous shell deteriorates with age and grows weaker. When the inner core presses against the weakened outer shell, it may press against a nerve root located along the spine. That can cause development of a bulging, or herniated disc.

Most of these herniated discs happen to the lumbar area, which is the lower back. They cause pain in your hips, legs and sometimes even the feet are affected. If it grows worse it may stop you from going to work or enjoying any of your usual activities.

A local chiropractor may be able to reduce it to a tolerable level. First an evaluation is conducted. It includes questions about how you might have developed the hernia. An x-ray may be required. All factors, obesity for example, can contribute to this condition.

When the back pain or sciatica grows to a level that interferes with normal daily activities, a chiropractor can provide relief. During an assessment he may question you about posture, heavy lifting and your exercise habits. If you are overweight that may be a contributing factor.

After a thorough chiropractic examination confirms your condition, the rehabilitative plan can be put into motion. Usually manual adjustments to the spine begin your recovery. They will realign the vertebra that is out of place. When they are correctly realigned pressure on the nerve root is lifted. That alleviates the pain. Your return to work will then be just a matter of time.

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