Thursday, February 9, 2017

A Look Into Reiki Therapy

By Beverly C. Ralph

Reiki mechanism that leads to healing occurs slowly to the extent that it is not recognizable during the first stages. However, after a while the changes become clear enough to be recognized easily. This is because the procedure occurs in stages and once a higher stage is reached one is able to detect the changes. For Reiki Therapy, hard and tough problems are made soft and simple. Those that seemed not to get better initially, become better finally.

During the process of healing, the mechanism tends to come from mysterious sources. This is due to the fact that healing occurs spiritually. Using the procedure to cure diseases you are likely to find it different in the way things move from day to day activities. There is usually an integration mechanism that is mainly a twenty-one-day process and is normally experience by some people though not everyone.

The integration mechanism is influenced by various factors that may be different from one individual to another. During the first week after the treatment the energy acts on the physical body. During this period one is advised to set aside enough periods to rest. At the same time one need to take much water so as to improve on the recovery process. Though one is required to rest most of time a little walk is good too.

The energy accesses the body through emotional way in the following week. During this time there is better feeling in the whole body. This act as warning to the patient that recovery is occurring. Energy is produced after it has been unblocked. This enhances vibration. It helps in enhancing acceptance and the acknowledgement.

In the next week, energy is able to access the body through the spiritual way. It is the stage that one needs to examine the inner feeling One is able to comprehend whether has taken the right way of curing the disturbing ailment. To make the procedure efficient, it is mandatory to perform the treatment lasting about 5-10 minutes when in either a bus or the car.

One is required to drink so much water so as to improve the process of integration. This has been proved to be beneficial to the body even through scientifically. To make the process efficient one is too required to have plenty of rest, bathing with sea salty water and also consuming fresh food.

Different activities ought to be done in different levels. In the initial level, the hand placement ought to last for around five minutes. On the other hand, the following two levels hand placement each consuming around three minutes are needed.

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