Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Common Home Remedies Used

By Armando Rodriguez

The use of specific spices, vegetables or well known items to treat an ailment is what is referred to as home remedies. Some may not have medicinal value, but are used as a result of being passed down from one generation to another. Others have however being proven to treat simple ailments such as head aches, sprains, or fevers. Each home remedy could help treat different ailments.

A scented solution of peppermint oil can be very helpful when dealing with severe headaches. The oil is convenient since it is cheap and comes naturally. After you rub it onto your temples, leave it for about thirty minutes for it to cool your nerves. The results are almost immediate.

Some people suffer from abnormal swelling of the abdominal area, a condition called bloating. If so, some dandelion tea can help get rid of the excess water the body is retaining. This it does by triggering bile juice from the liver which smashes fatty meals which make you bloated. A cup a day could make a positive change.

For those who frequently complain of back aches or pain, you can reduce the pain by applying peppermint ice massage. It has being proven that massages alone, peppermint oil menthol and ice are great remedies for back pain. First put a cup of water mixed with a few drops of peppermint oil in a refrigerator and leave it to freeze. Afterwards, remove it and have one of your friends massage it onto your back.

For those who have sore throats or persistent coughs, before rushing to the doctor, try a simple home remedy. You can make quick syrup made of cayenne pepper (1/4 teaspoon), water (2 tablespoons), apple cider vinegar (one teaspoon), and honey (one tablespoon). The mixture helps reduce the coughs and compel the sore throats, especially honey which has being traditionally used as a cure for persistent coughs.

During a hot day, when something very cold touches the roof of your mouth, a condition called brain freeze occurs. This is caused by the sudden change of temperature in the tissues. When this happens, a simple remedy may be sticking your thumb in the palate (the roof of the mouth) and applying pressure on it for thirty seconds or one minute. This tends to calm the nerves and reduce the pain through the heat generated from the tongue.

If you suffer from insomnia, try this for a change. Instead of your regular midnight snack, take a dose of tart cherry juice before going to sleep. The melatonin contained in the tart cherry has been tested and proved to help very much in providing a good night sleep.

To treat muscle aches and pulls, apply blue cherry on the shins or affected area. The blue cherry reduces the pain by cooling the nerves. Thus it acts as a cold muscle therapy. Rubbing an ice pack for some thirty minutes on a swollen or bruised injury can also help reduce the pain and any inflammation.

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