Monday, August 29, 2016


When we mention the word KIDNEY, it's probably no news to us, we know what that is. But let me challenge your knowledge a little. What if I say you know little or nothing about your kidney, would I be wrong? Would I be right?

It's of 'popular' believe among the non-medically oriented that the kidney is just one other organ, somehow somewhere within the abdominal cavity. But that's not it. The kidneys are way beyond this.

                 NOW, STRAIGHT TO THE FACTS. . .
1. The kidneys are two bean-shaped organs about the size of a clenched fist. They are in the middle of the back, and are protected by the rib cage. Each one is about 4.5 inches long and weighs about 150 to 160 grams and, together, both kidneys weigh about 0.5 percent of total body weight (that's way too small).

2. Inside each kidney are right around 1 million nephrons. Nephrons are tiny filters that filter all the waste products from your blood and pass them into the urine.

3. Your kidneys are also responsible for keeping things in your blood balanced - acid, electrolytes such as sodium and potassium, sugars, and proteins.

4. Our total blood supply is filtered by the kidneys about once every five minutes.

5. You only know that you urinate on a regular basis, but don't know where the urine is coming from. The kidneys actually produce it. If someone is dehydrated (not drinking enough water), the kidneys will not make much urine until the person starts drinking again and their blood volume goes up.

6. The kidneys keep the amount of fluid constant in the body. Adults have around 5 Litres of blood, and this is constantly filtered by the kidneys, as much as 400 times per day!

7. If the kidneys aren't getting enough blood pressure, they can send a signal to the rest of your body to make the blood vessels smaller, which increases the pressure. This makes sure that blood can get to all parts of your body.

8. The kidneys also sense the amount of oxygen in the blood. If they aren't getting enough oxygen, they will make an hormone that sends a signal to your body to make more red blood cells, which are the cells in blood that carry oxygen.

9. Your body can work with only one kidney.

10. Sometimes people who don't have good kidneys can get a kidney donated to them - this usually comes from a family member. This way, both people will live with one kidney (though this comes with some issues attached).

11. Vitamin D is a vitamin that is produced when you are exposed to sunlight by special cells in your skin. It isn't in a form your body can use though - the one made by your skin is processed by your liver. But, even that one can't be used by your body - your kidneys are responsible for activating the vitamin D!

12. Drugs like tobacco and alcohol make your kidneys work harder, and can even damage them. Stay away from drugs so your kidneys will be kept healthy.

And lots more, just to take a pause here.

So from all you've read, it seems your kidneys have really been hiding from you all this while. You only seem to know them, while in reality you don't.


Your kidneys are delicate, how do you protect them? Next post will tell. Thank you.


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