Thursday, August 11, 2016

Floaters in the eye

A little bit before my chronic migraine started in December '07, I started seeing these "floaters" in my eyes. I've had the kind previously in my life where I see something in my visual field and it is a little distracting. It looks like there is dirt or dust in my eye. These days, the amount "visual disturbance" has increased significantly and I think they are more than just floaters.

If I had to describe what I see when I look out into the world, I would say that I definitely have floaters, but I also have what I think is an ocular migraine which complicates that ability to determine what the problem is. I see lights, spots, lines, chasers and have vision loss that comes and goes throughout the day. When I get auras and then migraine pain on to of the ocular symptoms and the floaters - I get motion sick just keeping my eyes open.

There is quite a bit of info out there on the web about floaters and a lot of people that are really impacted by them, but my doctors don't have any helpful information for me. I keep bringing it up (to my detriment - I know) with my primary care doctor because I think it is important. When I have bouts of bad ocular migraines, the pressure in my eyes is so painful. That can't be good for my eyeballs and I worry about the impacts I will have down the road.

I started seeing an optometrist a few months ago and he took some initial readings and measure my visual field, eye pressure, etc. He confirmed I had some vision loss, but couldn't attribute anything to migraines at this time. I will go back in a few more months to measure these things again to determine if there is any additional changes/loss.

I know I am not the only one out there with these problems - here are some links to other sites that talk about the difference of and the links between migraines and visual symptoms:

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