Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Friday Q A Questions

Q: You have questions and answers on your blog almost every Friday. My question is about the questions: where do the questions that you answer on your blog come from?

A: The questions come from you, our readers! We answer questions that we receive in person, via email (send them to or through comments left on individual blog posts. Some of our reader's questions get answered on a Friday Q&A post, but others trigger full-length posts on the particular topic.

Okay, fine, I admit it, not all the questions come from our readers. I made up the question for today because it's time for another round of questions and/or concerns, and I thought that some of our newer readers might not realize they can ask us any questions they like.

So speak up, everyone! Do you have any specific questions you'd like us to answer? Or, do you have any requests for general topics for us to address? We love hearing from you.


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