Sunday, May 14, 2017

Learn About The Benefits Swedish Bitters Provides For Health

By Kristen Baird

Proponents of natural healing swear by Swedish Bitters as a powerful herbal tonic that can treat a wide variety of health issues. First developed in the 16th century by the physician Paracelsus, this potent concoction became even more effective as a medicine through the research of Sweden's Dr. Klaus Samst in the 19th century, and Maria Treben, a modern-day, Austrian herbalist. Stronger immunity, longer life, higher energy, and healing are just some of the benefits Swedish Bitters offers those who can overlook its distinctive taste.

The tonic comes in different forms, depending on how it is prepared. Some recipes use more than twenty types of herbs that can be either dried and ground into a mix, or added to alcohol. Some of the most common herbs used for making Swedish Bitters include theriac venetian, angelica root, myrrh, saffron senna, rhubarb root, aloe, camphor, and thistle root amongst others.

It is best for those who are interested in taking this or any other natural supplement for that matter, to first discuss it with their physician to be sure it is a good choice. Women who are pregnant or nursing, or anyone experiencing diarrhea should generally avoid its use. Otherwise, it is considered safe for teens and adults to take 2-4 times each day, as a one-teaspoon dose stirred into water or tea.

An effective digestive aid, Swedish Bitters can help prevent bloating, indigestion and discomfort that can follow ingesting a meal. It is believed to stimulate the stomach, liver, gallbladder, and salivary glands to increase secretion of enzymes needed for digestion if taken before eating. Regulation of bowel movements and prevention of constipation have also been noted from its use.

Itchy skin conditions such as chicken pox or insect bites can also be relieved by topically applying this tonic to the affected areas. Dabbing some of the mixture onto each sore or bite quickly soothes the irritation and itching, which in turn discourages scratching and promotes healing. Applying it as soon as one is aware of the itchiness, produces the best results.

Sore, raspy throats caused by viral or bacterial infections have shown improvement after the use of the tonic as well. It helps alleviate pain and minimizes hoarseness in the throat. One can take the tonic either as a gargle solution or drink it combined with some warm tea. Three tablespoons should be mixed with water for the former, and 1/2 teaspoon should be added to tea, which can be taken up to six times each day before meals.

It can also be used orally to treat pain caused by tongue blisters or toothaches. Adding 1 tablespoon to a glass of water and swishing with it is one approach that can help either problem, or for pain in a tooth, a soaked cotton ball can also be held in place on top of the affected tooth to ease discomfort.

Anyone with low energy or chronic fatigue syndrome may also stand to benefit by taking this supplement, as it is known to help restore energy levels and prevent tiredness. The anti-inflammatory properties it contains can also bring significant relief of pain and stiffness to people who suffer from arthritis, or other conditions or injuries of the joints.

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