Sunday, May 28, 2017

Basalt CO Chiropractor Offers Wellness Programs

By Cynthia Thompson

If your neck or back is bothering you, it could be a good time to see a chiropractic doctor. However, there is no need to wait until you are in significant pain to take advantage of wellness programs from your Aspen CO wellness chiropractor. In fact, you can enjoy many valuable services designed to help you stay healthy.

So many people today do not feel right and this can be due to stress, overwork, or a number of other factors. The truth is, spinal health and total body health go hand in hand, and a healthy spine is essential for good health. Chiropractic philosophy stresses the importance of taking care of the spine.

A misaligned spine can cause you to have headaches. This happens when the upper or cervical spine is not its natural alignment. It may be caused by sitting all day long at a computer and staring at a computer monitor while in an uncomfortable position. Poor posture may also contribute to cervical spine problems.

When you stress the neck, shoulders, and upper back, it creates tension in the muscles and tendons and this tension can pull at the spine. Within the human spine lies an entire communications network of nerves. This is how the brain communicates with the rest of your body. It only takes a slight spinal misalignment to irritate or impinge these nerves.

An irritated nerve within the lower back can result in sciatica and this is why your legs or feet may tingle, burn, or ache. In addition, a mid back misalignment can cause numbness in the hands and affect the function of your stomach. Nerve pain can make it impossible to sleep or enjoy life.

Your chiropractic doctor in Aspen will provide you with a consultation and examination. You can choose from a wide range of therapy options customized to your specific needs. With the right therapy, education, and care, your body may begin to heal itself and you could be on the road to a pain free and healthy existence.

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