Friday, December 30, 2016

Featured Pose Downward Facing Dog Variation Chair Version

by Baxter and Nina
Like Puppy pose, which we featured last week, this variation of Downward-Facing Dog is also a good variation for upper body strengthening if you have wrist and hand issues because the angle between your hand and forearm is minimized and you have a choice of two different hand positions. Placing your hands on the seat of the chair takes some of the weight off your hands (though not as much as Puppy pose) and keeps your wrists in a more neutral position.

From the hands to the hips, this pose is similar to Puppy pose so you build upper body strength while also increasing flexibility in the shoulders. Downward-Facing Dog with a chair activates the triceps muscles in the backs of your arms and the stabilizing muscles of your shoulder blades. As a side effect, if you keep your spine neutral, you also strengthen your front abdominal muscles (and who doesn’t love that). And, compared to Puppy pose, you may find that with your knees off the ground, you get a better spinal elongation. Other benefits not provided by Puppy pose include leg stretching and strengthening, which help move you toward the full pose, and increased upper body strengthening because you are bearing some weight on your hands.

Because this version is easier than a full Downward-Facing Dog pose, it is suitable for someone who is still building up enough strength to do the full pose. It is also wonderful for someone who can’t easily get up and down from the floor, or just isn’t dressed for it. Yes, it’s an excellent office or travel pose. Airport chair that is bolted to floor, anyone?

Instructions: Before coming into the pose, place your chair against the wall, with the back of the chair touching the wall so the chair doesn’t move when you come into the pose.

Start by standing in Mountain pose about two feet from the front edge of the chair. Bend your knees slightly and take an easy forward bend from your hips. Place your hands either on the chair seat with the heel of the hand catching the front edge (not dropping down below it) or with the base of your thumb on the seat and your fingers wrapped around the fingers around the sides of the seat, whichever feels best on your wrists.
Next, keeping your knees bent and your hands pressing firmly into the seat of the chair, walk your legs back, keeping your hips over your feet, until you create an even diagonal line from your arms, to your torso, and to your hips. Those of you who are tighter in the hips, hamstrings, or ankle joints, may want to walk your feet further back than your hips (like Baxter, here).
Keep your knees bent initially, and work your hands, arms and shoulders. Press your hands down and forward on the chair as you allow your rib cage to move away from your hands. Bring a sense of firmness to the muscles around your shoulder blades. Those of you who are more flexible in the legs can then straighten your legs and allow your heels to drop toward the floor (or onto it).

If you have tight shoulders, be aware of the tendency of your front lower ribs to drop or your lower back to arch dramatically to compensate. Focus instead on maintaining your torso in Mountain pose (Tadasana) alignment.

Stay in the pose for six to eight breaths and, with practice, work your way up to 1 minute.

To come out of the pose, bend your knees and slowly walk forward toward the chair. When you are a foot or two from the chair, bend both knees and moving from your hip joint come up to standing.

Cautions: If you have rotator cuff injury or a history of dislocation of the shoulder, keep your chest lifting from the floor rather than pressing down toward the floor. Back off if you feel any pain. If you have lower back problems, make sure you keep your lower back neutral (not overly arched or rounded) in the pose.

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Find Out How A Redondo Beach CA Chiropractor Helps Migraine Sufferers

By Bob Albert Lewis

It is very difficult to live a normal life when suffering from migraines. There are not many conventional remedies that do not require people to prescription medicines for their pain. Products like these usually cause a number of unpleasant side effects. Fortunately, a Redondo Beach chiropractor may be able to provide natural and lasting relief.

In these environments, providers work hard to learn more about the causes of migraine headaches. If your spine is misaligned, nerve to brain communication will often be compromised as the result. This can have a significant and very negative impact on your health and it can also lead to problems like headaches.

Taking care of subluxations will improve communication between the brain and the nerves and it will also facilitate a range of additional improvements. Energy can be increased, chemical imbalances can be resolved and you will be less likely to experience mood swings. Your body will function far better overall after your alignment issues have been addressed.

People also experience far less muscle tension as the result of these efforts. When spinal subluxations exist, it is not uncommon for a person to become over-reliant on specific muscle groups. This can lead to stress, stress headaches and recurring migraines.

Subluxations are often resolved through the use of manual adjustment techniques. Chiropractors gradually reposition vertebrae that have been displaced. They can also use massage therapies to resolve muscle tension as well as various forms of chiropractic equipment that are designed to lengthen the spine and promote proper alignment. Some providers also use ultrasound therapy to diminish pain and address areas of inflammation.

Your provider may additionally suggest a variety of changes in your life habits. A better diet, regular exercise and diligent use of effective stress management techniques can be beneficial to this end as well. When working with these professionals, you can look forward to an ongoing series of improvements to your overall health.

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Starting A Weight Loss Diet Program

By Brian Garcia

Most people are well aware that there are several different diet plans available on the market. As with anything, there are many systems, some of which work much better than others. Discontinuing any diet program too early without giving an honest effort is the primary reason why people fail in their weight loss endeavor.

Those who do not jump from program to program and stick to one will ultimately succeed. So if you're looking for a diet plan that can work for you, here are some tips and strategies you can follow.

A popular diet plan is called the 1500 Calorie Diet that teaches you to keep an account of daily calorie intake. The best thing about this particular program is that it does not limit you in regard to what you eat as long as you stay within the recommended range of calories each day. This particular system has a certain formula that you must follow which tells you to eat foods that include 30% carbohydrates, 30% fat, and 40% protein to make it a balanced meal.

Simply stated, by counting the total calories in every snack and meal that you eat every day, you will at some point reach your goals. The only possible disadvantage of choosing a program like this is that it limits the amount of calories, which can be unhealthy to your body. If you are not the type of person who is fond of cooking but still want to lose weight, then diet programs with prepackaged meals may be ideal for you.

If you don't want to worry about cooking meals, or if you are wondering if you are eating the right food types and in right quantities, then Atkins Low-carb Pack program could be the best bet for you. While this makes the diet very clear cut, it can get very boring.

For people who do not have a problem eating packaged meals day in and day out, this might be a type of program you may want to consider. If you are happy with programs where you don't have to think about choices of prepackaged, you may want to try this program and see if it works for you.

There are some weight loss programs, for instance, the Ice Cream Diet is a classic example of a diet program that draws your attention immediately by the name itself. Although these methods are geared to grab your attention, the buyer soon finds out that the allowable portions are small, and furthermore, the rest of the meals are also restricted, making you dissatisfied.

These diets should be approached with caution, as you may not be getting all of the nutrients you need if the recommended number of calories per day is too low. When they claim you will be able to eat cookies and ice cream, the portions are obviously tiny, and this wouldn't be your choice under normal circumstances. You're better off sticking to a sensible and healthy diet that gives you a little room to "cheat" once in a while with a real treat.

To summarize, you can get lost in all the information about diet plans, so it's best to pick one that's based on sound principles and try it for a while. If you follow a diet that has you eating healthy foods and also getting regular exercise, you should be able to succeed sooner or later. The mindset with which this is accepted should be a devotion to healthier living the rest of your life.

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Eye problems seeing red spots

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Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Eye floaters treatment australia

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Homeopathic remedy Tips 7

Zingiber may be needed for diarrheas resulting from drinking impure water, associated with hyperacidity, cutting abdominal pain, and inflamed red anus.

Lilium tigrinum patient usually has a kind of fruitless activity with unknown wild feeling. Deviates between morality and lasciviousness…

Symphytum is a very good remedy for bruises in and around eyes. A Typical Black-eye!

Bryonia and Natrum sulph both have great soreness of chest with cough. Bryonia however has dry cough and Natrum sulph loose and productive. Pain through lower left chest is characteristic in Natrum sulph. Bryonia usually right-sided!

In cases of hyper or hypo-ventilated patients due to any reason, pay attention closely to PCO2, which is reduced in cases of hyperventilation and increased in cases of hypoventilation. PO2 is rarely altered unless severe problem is there.

In patients of anemia, with flushed faces, don’t forget to hear pan-systolic murmur. Clinically you can diagnose anemia pretty fast with this single finding and weakness, especially if the pallor is strikingly absent! And that is a peculiarity while treating homeopathically!

Aletris farinose works great in mother tincture form for prolapse of uterus, when given 5 drops twice a day- Handbook of Homeopathic Mother Tinctures, by Dr Kamal Kansal.

Think of Wyethia when there is constant inclination to clear the throat, > by swallowing saliva. Associated with dryness of throat and elongated uvula.

Aurum met has the kind of industriousness and workaholism to fill the void. Fears idle time, to the extent of morbidity. Also out of craving for more money!

Social smile starts as early as at 6 weeks after birth. It is one of the important parameters of normal mental and emotional faculties of children!

Ledum pal, Hypericum, and Arnica are the top-rated remedies to be thought of to prevent tetanus!

Think of Solanum lycopersicum too in symptoms of rheumatism after an attack of influenza.

Hiccough followed by spasm- Cup met
Hiccough with belching- Dios, Nux vom, Conjuputi
Hiccough with hysterical nervous symptoms- Ign, Mosch, Nux
Hiccough with retching and vomiting- Nux vom
Hiccough with yawning- Cocculus
Hiccough with spasm of esophagus- Veratrum viride

Don’t forget Antim crud while differentiating medicines for shaking hands while writing. No wonder it is also one of the good remedies for Parkinsonism.

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Most Used Cholesterol eye spots removal

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Significance Of Dental Temp Agency Vancouver Island

By Francis Riggs

In the current times, there are both good and bad times. We spend most of our time at work since we rise at dawn and come back at dusk. In the midst of this, people tend to forget to keep their teeth clean due to limited time. If a study could be conducted today, the results gotten would be surprising. You will find that the number of persons who take time off work to see a dentist is much less compared to those who do not. In this article, we will look at different ways through which dental temp agency Vancouver Island can give you proper oral health care.

When it comes to matters of your health what matters most is the professionalism of the person offering the services. We need to agree that there are quite a number of quirks in the market that want to make the money without any qualifications. At our agency, you will find some of the highly qualified dentists that have what it takes to give you value for the money.

The health condition of our oral system is so much critical that if you chose to ignore you will be risking s great deal of your general health. Studies have shown that those that go for checkups enjoy a better oral health and as a result they keep some diseases at bay. If you are the person that would ignore going to the dental center because you fear costs, then you will be in for a rude shock.

The bacteria in the mouth accumulate over the years, and it could cost more. Delaying going for a checkup would prove costly and riskier. When you come to our agency, you will find some of the most qualified dentists that would help you sort out some of these issues. In the days that we live in we eat foods that introduce bacteria into our mouth.

The bacterium along with acid destroys the tooth enamel leading to caries, cavities and other diseases. Studies also show that dental diseases are linked to general health issues like stroke, and heart disease. When you get in touch with our dentists, they will be able t diagnose the problem and prescribe treatment. Moreover, you will be given advice on the different life practices you can adopt to achieve proper oral health.

At times when we choose to neglect our oral health, we stand a chance of losing teeth apart from incurring expensive medical costs that could have been avoided.

Keep in mind that your teeth speak a lot about you as a person. Whenever you open your mouth to speak, smile or laugh, people will always see your teeth. So if you do not maintain proper oral hygiene, you may end up not having friends due to the bad breath that emanates from your mouth.

You should never worry about costs because checkups from qualified dentists are very affordable. But when you ignore the symptoms you stand to lose more in terms of finances and your health. Take the decisive action today and change your life for the better.

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Monday, December 26, 2016

Floaters in your eyes how to get rid of

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Sunday, December 25, 2016

How To Be An Improved Therapist

By Janine Hughes

If you need to turn in this professional in the soonest time possible, then you basically do not have any minute to waste in here. So, act on your feet when you still have nothing else better to perform. Gain some insight from this article since that will be the light at the end of your tunnel.

The first thing that you would need to improve on would be the way that you interact with your patients. Yes, you have been hired to be their therapist in Temecula. However, that does not mean that you are not allowed to be their friend. If you can be both at the same time, then so be it.

Second, you would have to gain their trust one way or another. The method that you would be using in here does not matter. If you are dealing with children, then give them some treats that they would be able to enjoy. If that is not the case, then you would have to be more innovative than ever.

Third, be their comrade no matter what happens. If they will reveal their sins to you just to get you discouraged from treating them, then show to these people that you are more than that. You will be by their side since you cannot stand to see them destroy the beauty in the life that they have been given with.

You would have to do your part as a professional. You would have to explain to their loved ones what they are going through. Remember that you would never be a one man team in here. You would be needing the family of the patient since this is going to be a long and winding journey for you.

If you have figured out that the treatment will take a very long time, then this is the point in which you will have to be determined more than ever. If you will have that drive, then there is nothing that you will not be willing to do for the patient. You will help them heal themselves even if it will take you years to see an improvement.

If you are still a novice, then you will have to act like you are not. Take note that you have a reputation to create in here. If you will just be yourself and act with confidence, then no one will question the credentials that you have.

Be better in the process of note taking. You may have been the most brilliant student in your class but then, you are only a human being. You are not perfect and you are far from being in that stage.

Overall, you would just have to be the best in Temecula, CA. Never let any of your patients down. They need you and that means that you have to stand by them until they have already recovered. That is one of your missions in life as an agent of health.

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Prospects Of Walk In Clinics Toronto ON

By Sharon Weeks

Emergency rooms or clinics run by doctors can be crowded at times and you really have to wait for long in order to get medical care. However, there is a perfect alternative for this. After-hours clinics do not require you to have an appointment when visiting them. In addition, they are open throughout the weekends. Walk in clinics Toronto, ON are open for long hours so that people can access care anytime.

These clinics help in easing overcrowding at the clinics run by doctors or even the casualty wing. In addition, because the personnel do triaging, only the very sick will benefit. The rest will have to wait for long and if it gets late they will be told to go back home and return at a later date of which it is very possible for this to happen. Procedures are done very fast at after-hours clinics.

Many people do not have a family doctor and even those who enjoy this privilege can only go to see them when they have an appointment. Additionally, these professionals do not have appointments on weekends or the evening. This is very inconvenient. However, there is no need to wait for weeks to see the doctor about checkups. You can just pop into any clinic in city Toronto, ON.

Clinics are not expensive. Therefore, you will spend less to get medical care if you visit them compared to the hospital which requires you to pay a very high fee for consultation. The costs of medical tests and drugs in the hospitals are also high. Thus, by visiting after-hour clinics you will not only save on time but also money.

Employers can save on time and resources if they let their workers be attended to in these places. You realize that spending long durations queuing to see a doctor you are losing hours meant to be spent at the workplace. The productivity of the company is affected and remember wasted time is never recovered. It would be better to get seen in clinics.

Clinics do not require you to go in carrying a referral letter or make an appointment prior to the visit. You just have to be able to pay. They accept insurance cards and even cash payments. In addition, the time it will take for you to be attended to is very short. At most only fifteen minutes are required.

The only things you have to pay for in these clinics are the screening and treatment costs. The rest of the services are offered for free. This is not the case in the hospitals where you have to pay even to make an appointment of which the doctor may cancel or not get a chance to see you.

The walk-in clinics are run by highly qualified professionals. There is always a physician and a number of qualified nurses. They are at a position to diagnose a disease condition, treat it and even give you a prescription if there is a need for this. Referral is also done if the resources at the clinic are not enough to adequately manage the condition in Toronto city, ON.

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ALS Therapy Usage With Stu Millheiser

By Paula Hess

ALS is a condition that understandably deserves the attention that it attracts. Even though it's a serious condition, to say the least, there are ways to help slow down the development of said condition, as well as improve one's quality of life in general. For those who do not know, the likes of Stu Millheiser can tell you all about the importance of therapy. In order to better understand what this is all about, these details should prove to be more than useful.

One might wonder what the physical benefits of therapy are, in regards to ALS. According to Stu Millheiser, this particular method has the ability to slow down the progression of the aforementioned condition, which is worthwhile when think about what it's all about. ALS is primarily characterized by muscular weakness and degeneration. What therapy does, however, is slow down this ongoing process and limit pain for the long term to boot.

Therapy also involves the idea of goal-setting, which is something that can be applied to virtually any form of exercise. For instance, you may not be the kind of individual who exercises on a routine basis, which means that you'd be wise to set goals for yourself. Maybe you want to perform therapy once every other day, which will amount to anywhere from 3 to 4 sessions per week. This is another talking point that names like Stuart Millheiser can draw attention to.

Keep in mind, though, that therapy is not just a physical exercise. For those who do not know, those who develop ALS stand the chance of developing speech problems, which means that speaking can be made as troublesome as mundane movement. With that said, speech and language therapy stands the chance of incorporating new strategies which, more than anything else, help patients create the sounds they may have lost otherwise. For patients who suffer to this degree, therapy matters that much more.

If you're going to look at the best exercises that work for ALS patients, therapy will be one of the first names to address. Many others will attest to this sentiment, especially when there is such a high degree of importance that comes with exercise in general. Even though the main idea of therapy is to slow the rapid progression of ALS, there is a morale-boosting incentive it possesses as well. For these reasons alone, such a method boasts undeniable worth.

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Saturday, December 24, 2016

PDF Is there any treatment for floaters in eyes

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Friday, December 23, 2016

Lightning flashes and floaters in the eye

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Thursday, December 22, 2016

Frozen Shoulder Part 2

by Baxter
Anatomical Studies of the Shoulder by Leonardo da Vinci
For those of you out there who might have missed Nina’s original post on frozen shoulder from a while back (see Yoga and Menopause: Frozen Shoulder), I’d highly recommend it. And while Nina rightly points out a correlation between menopause and adhesive capsulitis (that’s its fancy name), it turns out that men fall victim to this conditions as well. In fact, I developed a case of it in my left shoulder over the fall and early winter months of 2015-16!

Some interesting statistics on and features of frozen shoulder: 
  • It usually affects those over 40 years of age, with the peak period being between 40-70 year of age. 
  • 70% of cases are women and 30 percent are men. 
  • The jury is still out on what causes frozen shoulder. Although there is a connection between menopausal changes in women and the development of frozen shoulder, the other leading contenders are that it is an inflammation problem, an autoimmune problem, or simply a stiffening of the joint capsule problem (a process called fibrosis). 
  • Since it does not always show up in isolation, it can be accompanied by other causes of shoulder pain, such as bursitis or rotator cuff injuries, making diagnosis and treatment tricky. 
  • According to the Mayo Clinic, you are at higher risk of getting it if you have diabetes, heart disease, Parkinson’s disease, thyroid conditions, or a recent trauma that immobilizes your arm such a fracture or stroke.
When I started getting pain and limited range of motion in my left shoulder and arm last fall, I was not sure what was going on. It came on gradually and I did not have any of the risk factors I had read about, but I had tweaked my shoulder 15 years ago while climbing and had some chronic stiffness that my yoga usually worked out nicely. And then there were two events in September. First, I was swinging on a low trapeze bar for about two minutes, after which I noticed that my shoulder was not so happy with me. And, second, two weeks later I took a trip to an indoor sky-diving place, where a total of four minutes in the wind tunnel with the arms in bird-wing position made my shoulder even more unhappy. I recently came across research that connects direct or indirect trauma to the shoulder joint as a common cause of secondary frozen shoulder, which could explain my case.

When I finally got into to see the orthopedic specialist in late January of this year, initially I was offered a couple of steroid injections to cover both rotator cuff injury and frozen shoulder. At that point I asked for an MRI, since my physical exam could not confirm either diagnosis (it’s good to keep in mind that history and exam don’t always tell you what is going on for sure). And the MRI showed a healthy rotator cuff and definite frozen shoulder, so I only really needed one injection! That very same day, I got into to see an amazing physical therapist, who gave me a set of exercises to begin immediately. From a Yoga for Healthy Aging perspective, I was delighted to discover that some of the exercises were dynamic movements (similar to Arms Overhead Pose), done in sets of 10 repetitions, and others were static movements, held between 2-5 minutes. When I asked about the longer holds, my physical therapist mentioned that the joint capsule, made up of thick connective tissue, requires longer holds to loosen, similar to the timing we’ve discussed for stretching fascia here on the blog.

Now, I had read the studies that the average time for recovery of range of motion was 1-2 years and that really did not fit into my plans, so I asked the physical therapist if he had ever had a patient who recovered faster. He said, yes, one person who had actually taken his advice to do the physical therapist exercises hourly during the day had seen a rapid recovery in just a few weeks! (He pointed out that most patients only do them infrequently.) That was all the incentive I needed, and I started my practice immediately that day. After all, abhyasa (yogic practice) is not all that different (see Practice)!

One of the challenges of rehabbing frozen shoulder is that you actually have to move into far enough into stretch that it is painful. This is in contrast to physical therapy for rotator cuff injuries, where you would not go to the point of pain. I found that my ability to focus on my breath while holding painful stretches for 2-5 minutes was invaluable in staying the course without over triggering my sympathetic nervous system. And although I did not do them every hour, I often got 3-4 sessions in every day for the next few months. By April, my pain-free range of motion in that left shoulder was back to normal, and my physical therapist bid me farewell, with the important reminder to keep an eye on my right shoulder, as 25% of those with frozen shoulder will get a case of it showing up in the opposite shoulder in the 2 years that follow (Nina had this happen).

My takeaways:
  1. If stiffness and pain persist in your shoulder, get it checked out by a specialist to get a solid diagnosis.
  2. Try to see the best physical therapist you can in your community—it can make a difference.
  3. Apply your yogic practice skills and your yoga tools to your rehab. (I was doing all the yoga poses I could do, although with left arm modified, along with my physical therapy exercises, and I believe it helped!).
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Some Information About Concealed Carry Training

By Paulette Mason

The world of the modern generation is, in more ways than one, better than what the previous generations had years back. The people of today had more stuff, stuff which were way better than those people had previously. Modern society also had things easier. Most tasks can be done by simple push of buttons, but years ago, old folks had to do hard manual labor from sun up until sundown.

But of course, no society is ever perfect. If they had a hard time making money back then, at least they had a more trouble free life. People were easily content and knew how to share. The people of the modern times did not only have top deal with pressures at work, they also had to stay clear of the streets where hundreds of crimes happen so casually that culprits just walk away as calmly as they could from the crime scene. These dangerous times compel one to learn self defense, such as wi concealed carry training.

Carrying a concealed weapon or CCW extends to refer to any private individual who is given the permission to carry weapons in areas where there are many people. The said weapon can be a handgun or a similar device, and it can be concealed somewhere beneath articles of clothing, or could be some place in close proximity. CCW permits do not always refer to guns and other fatal stuff, because they can include pepper spray and the like, especially when carried in great amounts.

Generally, these permits fall under four basic categories, in accordance to individual state regulations. The first one is classified as unrestricted. A jurisdiction that has an unrestricted stand on concealed carry means that there are no permit requirements for one to have a hidden weapon on him or her. Some states even allow open carry of a handgun even without permit.

Shall issue states are those areas who allow for the ownership of such obscure things only when one is granted a special license to be able to do so. Applicants do not even have to explain thoroughly why they needed the license, all they had to do is to submit the needed requirements. The granting council shall then issue the license if the applicant has complied to everything on their list.

May issue jurisdictions require applicants to prove that they need to have the permit due to a good cause. Often, non specific reasons are not allowed, so one has to be as detailed as possible as to why he or she needed the CCW permit. Until then, the police or the sheriff may grant permission by the time they deem it safe for a certain applicant to be given one.

There are also some states that does not allow any private citizen to carry an obscured weapon in public areas. No issue refers to the iron clad stand that no permits nor licenses should be issued nor recognized in such states. Illinois was the last no issue state, and with its move to legalize the said permission last July 2013, no state is considered as no issue all over the country.

The states who have just upturned their no issue category on the CCW are now accepting applications from its citizens. Wisconsin, for example, accepts only applicants that are of legal age and are residents of the said state for quite some time. They also had to submit some sort of proof that they have undergone training.

Such trainings include the hunter education program which is issued by the Department of Natural Resources. Similar programs from other states can also be recognized. One can also take courses given by certified instructors specified by the granting authority.

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