Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Are Barbells And Dumbbells Superior To Kettlebells

By Russ Howe

It's a war which has raged on for the best part of ten years but, thanks to recent scientific research, today you will get a definite answer to the question: Kettlebells vs dumbbells - which method will give you the best results?

Before we do that, it is important to point out that using both approaches is always going to be far superior to limiting yourself to just one style. You will often hear people swearing by the use of just one protocol, all this does is limit your ability on the gym floor as each style comes with it's own plus points and negatives, therefore a combination of the two styles alongside other forms of training, such as yoga, interval training and body weight movements, would be optimal for achieving the goals set by most individuals.

In an attempt to draw a line in the sand between warring gym enthusiasts who swear by one approach or the other, scientists from California State University, Fullerton recently drew up a study where they could directly compare strength improvements between the two styles.

The study followed a protocol where Group A would be using a 16 kilogram weight to perform a six week program of swings, accelerated swings and goblet squats in an attempt to boost vertical leap, power clean and squat strength levels.

Group B, on the other hand, were made to follow a six week program using roughly 80% of their one repetition maximum on squat, power clean and high pulls using a barbell.

At the end of the six week study, the results of the two groups were compiled and compared. The overwhelming winner was the second group - the free weight group. These individuals boasted improvements of a 15% higher squat compared to group A's 5% increase. They also noticed a 10% power clean and 4% vertical leap boost.

The other group, meanwhile, only enjoyed a 5% increase in squat strength, with a 4% boost to their power clean and, somewhat surprisingly, only a 1% increase in their vertical leap strength. The last statistic in particular is quite interesting, given that this piece of kit is often touted as the superior method for increasing explosive movements, such as vertical leaping...

These results clearly document that free weights return superior strength gains overall.

However, this would be ill-advisable. A combination of various different techniques is the key to finding a well balanced, progressive training program which gives you a continuous plethora of new results. By limiting yourself to one training style, you are waving goodbye to various other techniques you could have picked up if you were only a bit more open-minded.

Truth be told, you would do nicely to take small pieces of various techniques and combine them in to your own training routine until you find something which works for you. There are certain things which you can do with a kettlebell that you simply can not accomplish as conveniently with free weights, the swing for example.

So, who wins the battle of kettlebells vs dumbbells? If the latest scientific research is to be used as a barometer to end the argument then you have to jump on the side of free weights.

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