Thursday, June 30, 2016

Who Uses Guided Meditation and Why

Have you tried to meditate and given up in frustration? Does this frustration make you feel more anxious than relaxed? If you feel frustrated by your inability to quiet your mind, try this guided meditation as a simple alternative to a more formal practice.
Learn More About [Guided Relaxation]

Guided meditation (often known as guided relaxation) is used for relaxation purposes, healing and sometimes spiritual development. It is a proven way to relax the mind and attain inner peace.... Or at least to help turn the volume down on the seemingly never ending noise that is in many people's minds. The importance of guided meditation is to help let go of the outside world, clearing the mind of any thoughts and simply following the spoken words and visualizations. Many people believe in the effectiveness of guided meditation and guided relaxation because even if you fall asleep during the process your subconscious mind can still benefit.

A meditation or relaxation program can help you to relax and release all the negative thoughts and energy that is stored in your body. Through deep relaxation you can be able to reach hidden parts of your mind that you haven't used or remembered for a long time. Sometimes we may not even know that that part of the mind existed. This experience can unleash the power of the subconscious mind to release positive energy. Remember, our mind is like a computer that can be programmed with the things that we want to happen. If you want to change your state of mind to become more productive in any aspect of your life, guided meditation can certainly be a solution. There are several guided meditation techniques that will suit your needs.

Go ahead and check out The Big List of Free Guided Meditations and follow the guided meditation videos for free ranging from tons of topics, and amounts of time. Make sure to leave a comment on the page too. I love to know my readers opinions on the videos and which are their favorites! Did you know that guided meditations are one of the greatest ways to get into the habit of meditating?

That is because they are straightforward to use, which is great if you're in need of constant relaxation after a hard day.The funny thing is most people find it hard to find the time to actually listen to them, even though they are stressed out! That may sound weird, but a lot of people tend to place the least importance on themselves. Most people look after others, help others and in general do their utmost to help others to lead a more enhanced way of living.

You can create your own mini-vacation and enjoy the physiological, emotional, and psychological benefits of meditating by travelling in your mind to your favorite space and allowing yourself to enjoy the warmth of the sun. Increase your happiness and sense of well-being by gifting yourself with time for yourself. Give yourself a break from your constant busyness and let your mind and body relax. After a few minutes, you can return to your everyday life feeling more relaxed, refreshed, and restored.

About the Author:   Danae A. Strub

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