Sunday, April 16, 2017

A Descriptive Overview Of Sciatica

By Pamela Lindi Joseph

Sciatic nerve pain, stemming from the lower back region is often referred to as sciatica. It is a common occurrence in many individuals today. Although the cause is located in the lumbar area of the spinal column, the severe pain is felt in the buttocks, hips or legs. The affected nerve is the largest and longest in the human body. When a sciatic disruption is present, the sufferer has difficulty in every position, including sleeping, standing, sitting and walking. Help is available, thanks to the natural and non-invasive techniques offered by chiropractic medicine.

Pain coming from the sciatic nerve is caused by compression of the nerve tissue at the lower end of the spinal column. The nerve separates into two main branches, one for each leg, at the lower spine. When there is irritation of the nerves, the result is sharp pain. The irritation of this major nerve pathway occurs when the intervertebral discs become compressed and bulge out from between the vertebrae pairs. The discs may be compressed, and provide less cushioning, or may actually rupture and leak into the surrounding tissue.

The compression that affects the spinal discs is due to a subluxation (misalignment) in spinal column vertebrae. Under optimum conditions, each pair of vertebrae are spaced far enough apart so that the cushioning disc fits between and protects excessive wear to the bones called vertebrae. When the cushions are compressed due to misalignment, they rupture and the internal fluid can even leak out. This irritates the surrounding nerve tissue.

Traditional therapy for this type of pain involves surgery, or more often, painkillers, either over the country or prescription strength. These solutions are ineffective at best. Surgical procedures carry the risk of anesthesia and the recovery time can be significant. Long term use of pharmaceuticals can result in organ damage. Natural and non-invasive techniques such as those offered by chiropractic physicians are much safer, and generally more effective, especially over the long term.

In the United States, chiropractic manipulation of lumbar spine or lower back vertebrae is a preferred alternative medicine form of therapy. It is usually performed by chiropractors. The manipulation or adjustments may take the form of manual or machine-assisted methods.

About ninety percent of sciatic nerve pain sufferers indicate that their pain is alleviated when the chiropractic methods are utilized as a sole therapy. The specific methods include traction to decompress the discs, removal of subluxations, electrical muscle stimulation to promote circulation and range-of-motion improvement. Exercises to improve mobility and strengthen muscle groups are often utilized as part of the range of methods.

Even if patients have tried other forms of therapy with no success, chiropractic techniques are successful in almost sixty percent of sufferers. Other methods that are implemented usually are restricted to drugs or surgical procedures. The patient may also try physical therapy or acupuncture with little or no success.

Using the techniques offered by chiropractic physicians for the pain of sciatica is a preferred alternative to anyone who doesn't want surgery. When a surgeon is consulted, the recommendation is to undergo surgery. However, if a chiropractor is consulted first, only about one in one hundred patients goes on to require surgical procedures.

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